Call for Proposals

This year’s 2023 Texas Assessment Conference call for proposals centers on the theme:


Concurrent sessions are one hour in length. The following are suggested (but not limited to) areas for session topics:
  • State & Federal Accountability
  • Best Practices
    • Successful Testing Solutions
    • Translating Data Into Action
    • Uniting Powerful Teams
        • Professional Learning Communities


    • Leveraging Data to Build ROI (Return on Investment)
  • Building Systematic Processes (Inputs to Outputs to Outcomes)
  • Leading Through Change Management (Assessment, Curriculum & Instruction, Technology, and Finance)
  • College and Career Readiness
  • Small and Mid-size District Solutions
  • Assessments
  • Special Populations & Emergent Bilingual Practices (TELPAS, Transition to English, etc.)
  • Technology
  • TEA
  • Cambium

Concurrent session proposals for the Texas Assessment Conference must be submitted through the Moak Casey website. A link to the submission form appears on the Texas Assessment Conference website and on the Moak Casey home page.

If you are submitting the session proposal on behalf of someone else, please fill in the Submission Editor contact information to receive a carbon copy of submission notifications.

Exhibitors/Vendors wanting to submit a session proposal must co-present with someone from a school campus, district, or college/university to have their session proposal considered.

All main presenters and co-presenters must register for the Texas Assessment Conference and pay the registration fee.