by | Oct 27, 2020
Jana Eastham, District Testing Coordinator, Frisco ISD Congratulations on your new role as DTC! Where do you start? Come acquire new ideas for sharing resources with your CTCs through the use of LiveBinder, and learn how to stay up-to-date with current assessment...
by | Oct 27, 2020
Michael Marin, Product Trainer, Pearson, Texas Assessment Program This session, co-presented by Pearson and an experienced testing coordinator, will provide an overview of the STAAR Alternate 2 Assessment Management System.
by | Oct 27, 2020
Terry Faucheux, Associate, Moak, Casey & Associates Alicia Thomas, Consultant, Moak, Casey & Associates Monica Zdrojewski, Associate, Moak, Casey & Associates The upcoming 87th Legislature will likely address the unintended consequences and implementation...
by | Oct 27, 2020
Charlenta Govan, Manager – Assessment Training, Administration & Support, Dallas ISD Felicia Gibbons, Coordinator, Dallas ISD LaKedra Cardell, District Test Coordinator, Dallas ISD Kiesha Pearson, Testing Coordinator, Dallas ISD The Dallas ISD Assessment...
by | Oct 27, 2020
John Harrell, Assistant Director of Academic Testing, University of North Texas – Dallas Rima Adil, Dean of Student Success, Houston Community College Rachel Hample, Assistant Director of Testing Services, Temple University Diana Pino, President & CEO,...